• Yulya V. Matveichuk Belorussian State University
Keywords: IR spectroscopy, sodium molybdate, sodium tungstate, equilibrium, ion-selective electrodes


For citation:

Matveichuk Yu.V. FTIR-spectroscopic investigation of sodium tungstate and sodium molybdate solutions in wide range of рH. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2017. V. 60. N 1. P. 56-63.


A FTIR spectroscopic study of aqueous solutions of sodium tungstate and molybdate (solution concentration was 0.1 mol/l) over a wide pH range (factor (level) of acidity Z, Z = C (H+)/C (WO42-) or Z = C (H+)/C(MoO42-)) was carried out. In solutions of sodium tungstate complex frequency band at 885-865 cm-1 correspoding to the stretching vibrations ν(W-O-W) was fixed. The frequency bands of 1720-1700 cm-1, 990, 985 and 1025 cm-1 corresponding to bending vibrations δ(W-OH) were fixed that indicates a significant change in composition of the solution as a result of hydrolytic and polycondensation processes. The sodium molybdate solution has not bands corresponding to the stretching vibrations v(Mo-O-Mo). Only the characteristic bands of the deformation vibrations δ(Mo-OH) were recorded. The low intensity complex band in the area of 885-865 cm-1 corresponding to the stretching vibrations ν(W-O-W) even for freshly prepared 0.1 mol/l sodium tungstate solution was appeared as well as the band at 1720-1700 cm-1 attributed to deformation vibrations δ(W-OH) that indicates a fast change in the solution composition. For solutions of sodium molybdate bands of stretching vibrations v(Mo-O-Mo) are fixed at a pH less than 6 after standing for several days. With Hydra/Medusa program diagrams of distribution of molybdate and tungsten particle depending on the pH were calculated. In relatively dilute solutions, the diagrams received with Hydra/Medusa program showed the only protonated (monomeric) form of molybdate ions, where as in the sodium tungstate solution until pH of 9 W6O216- and HW6O215- particles exist that agrees with the results of IR spectroscopy. The results of IR spectroscopy and modeling with Hydra/Medusa program will be used to support the pH operating range for molybdate and tungstate-selective electrodes, since they are an important feature of any analytical ion-selective electrodes. For tungstate-selective electrode it is necessary to maintain the pH less than 9, for molybdate-selective electrode - less than 8 (with dilute ammonia). Considering the changes in the composition of sodium molybdate and tungstate solutions, for the design of molybdate and tungstate-selective electrodes the freshly prepared solutions have to be only used, rather than stored for more than two days.

Author Biography

Yulya V. Matveichuk, Belorussian State University
Department of Analytical Chemistry


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How to Cite
Matveichuk, Y. V. (1). FTIR-SPECTROSCOPIC INVESTIGATION OF SODIUM TUNGSTATE AND SODIUM MOLYBDATE SOLUTIONS IN WIDE RANGE OF рH. ChemChemTech, 60(1), 56-63. https://doi.org/10.6060/tcct.2017601.5335
CHEMISTRY (inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, colloid and high-molecular compounds)