• Uktam Sh. Temirov Navoi State Mining Institute
  • Shafoat S. Namazov Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of Uzbek Academy of Sciences
  • Najimuddin Kh. Usanbayev Institute of General and Inorganic chemistry of Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Keywords: bird droppings, nitric acid, sludge phosphorites, mineralized mass, humic acids, organic fertilizers


This paper presents the composition and properties of bird droppings, substandard phosphorites of Central Kyzylkum - mineralized mass and slurry phosphorite, the results of obtaining organomineral fertilizers by acidifying bird droppings with 30% nitric acid from 7 to 4 pH, followed by decomposition of substandard phosphorites by acidified bird droppings with nitric acid. It is shown that when processing substandard phosphorites with acidified bird droppings with 30% nitric acid due to the interaction of organic acids and residual nitric acid with substandard phosphorites, the assimilable form of P2O5 contained in substandard phosphorites increases by 6.5-7.0 times, acidification of bird droppings with nitric acid and addition of substandard phosphorites leads to a sharp decrease in the release of nitrogen-containing and various volatile organic substances into the gas phase affecting the environment. The optimal conditions and the basic technological scheme for obtaining organomineral fertilizers based on bird droppings and substandard phosphorites are given. When processing the mineralized mass with acidified droppings with nitric acid to the pH value = 5 and the ratio of bird droppings: mineralized mass = 1: 0.10, a fertilizer of the composition P2O5total. 5.04%, P2O5 : P2O5total = 62.38%, CaOtotal = 11.79%, N 3.86%, organic substances 44.20% and humic substances 14.20% is obtained. When processing slurry phosphorite taken in the same ratio and pH, the fertilizer contains P2O5total. 4.42 %; P2O5 : P2O5total = 69.64%, CaOtotal = 10.51%, N 3.89%, organic substances 44.43% and humus substances 14.30%.


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How to Cite
Temirov, U. S., Namazov, S. S., & Usanbayev, N. K. (2020). INTENSIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR PROCESSING BIRD LITTER IN ORGANOMINERAL FERTILIZERS. ChemChemTech, 63(12), 85-94.
CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY (inorganic and organic substances. Theoretical fundamentals)