• Irina I. Menshova Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology
  • Elena Zabolotnaya Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology
  • Vitaliy V. Chelnokov Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology
  • Alexander V. Garabadzhiu Vice-rector for Scientific Work of Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology
Keywords: adsorption, clinoptilolite, sorption capacity, water-soluble organic substances, sorbent pore volume


The adsorption of dissolved organic substances in multicomponent mixtures is considered. Zeolites, which satisfy all the requirements and possess extensive sorption and ion-exchange properties, make it possible to develop technologies for their use as effective sorbents for wastewater treatment. The sorption activity of a sorbent based on clinoptilolite, which is a particularly valuable variety of zeolites, has been investigated. The optimal concentrations of the sorbent and the kinetics of sorption from model solutions of dissolved organic substances have been determined. It has been proven that the duration of the adsorption regime affects the degree of extraction of a substance. Kinetic dependences of the sorption of dyes from model solutions are presented. It is shown that the duration of the static regime has a significant effect on the degree of adsorption. The effect of temperature and pH on the adsorption activity of a clinoptilolite-based sorbent is considered. The determination of the pore volume of the sorbent based on clinoptilolil fractions 1-3 and 3-5 mm by scanning electron microscopy has been investigated. The surface of a sorbent based on clinoptilolite of fractions 1-3 and 3-5 mm was investigated, showing the presence of input "windows", pores and channels in its structure. The structural features of the zeolite (rough surface, the presence of pores and channels, entrance "windows") explain the frame structure of the structure. The influence of the parameters of the medium on the adsorption capacity of the sorbent, the sorption capacity, the current efficiency of the treatment of effluents containing water-soluble organic substances is shown. The adsorption on the surface of the clinoptilolite-based sorbent of a high content of a mixture of iron and zinc ions was noted, and it was shown that the clinoptilolite-based sorbent of various fractions is a molecular "sieve" in structure, which allows adsorbing metal ions and dye molecules on its surface.


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How to Cite
Menshova, I. I., Zabolotnaya, E., Chelnokov, V. V., & Garabadzhiu, A. V. (2021). ADSORPTION OF ORGANIC SUBSTANCES USING ZEOLITES. ChemChemTech, 64(8), 131-138.
ECOLOGICAL PROBLEMS of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

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