• Marianna E. Loginova Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Irina A. Chetvertneva Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
  • Galina Yu. Kolchina Sterlitamak Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • Eldar M. Movsumzade Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art)
  • Nataliya S. Tivas Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Keywords: pentose-containing component, neutral lignosulfonates, furan derivatives, bactericidal and antimicrobial properties


The work considers the use of furan derivatives obtained from products for processing vegetable pentose-containing raw materials into valuable chemical compounds. A method is proposed for isolating the carbohydrate component from lignosulfonates using the neutral-sulfite preparation method using gel filtration. It was established by thin-layer chromatography that in the composition of neutral ligno-sulfonates, the carbohydrate part is mainly represented by pentoses (xylanes), and in lignosulfonates of the sulfite method of production - by hexoses (mannans), which gave reason to consider neutral lignosulfonates as pentose-containing raw materials. A method has been proposed for the preparation of furan compounds as a result of successive stages: dehydration of pentosans by heating and their decarboxylation to produce furfural and decarbonylation of furfural to produce furan. A novel flowchart has been developed for the isolation of furan derivatives from the pentose-containing fraction of neutral lignosulfonates, differing from existing methods in that no toxic substances are used, hardly recoverable impurities are formed, and elevated (above 400 0С) temperatures are not required. The material balance of the furan derivatives production process was compiled and a new lignodecarbonylated furan reagent (LDFR) was developed based on the combination of two frac-tions - furan and tetrahydrofuran. Comparative experimental studies have shown that the developed reagent suppresses the bacterial destruction of polysaccharide-based drilling muds, that is, it has bactericidal properties that are enhanced during the construction of oil and gas wells. It has been shown that an important promising direction is the development of methods for the synthesis and production of furan derivatives for the production of a number of bioactive preparations, fungicides and pesticides, since almost all tetrahydrofuran derivatives have antimicrobial properties, which expands their application both in industry and in agriculture.

For citation:

Loginova M.E., Chetvertneva I.A., Kolchina G.Yu., Movsumzade E.M., Tivas N.S. Synthesis and properties of furan derivatives from pentosan-containing fractions of neutral lignosulfonates. ChemChemTech [Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol.]. 2024. V. 67. N 3. P. 94-102. DOI: 10.6060/ivkkt.20246703.6908.


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How to Cite
Loginova, M. E., Chetvertneva, I. A., Kolchina, G. Y., Movsumzade, E. M., & Tivas, N. S. (2024). SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES OF FURAN DERIVATIVES FROM PENTOSAN-CONTAINING FRACTIONS OF NEUTRAL LIGNOSULFONATES. ChemChemTech, 67(3), 94-102.
CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY (inorganic and organic substances. Theoretical fundamentals)

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